home loan

Home Loans

“No matter How much you financially sound, owning your dream Home makes you relaxed.”

To fulfil your dream of home, Chandigarh Home Loan educate  you about various options for home loans are available in the market. We helps you to avail the best rate of Interest with quality service provided by different banks and financial institutions for different home loans.

Home Loan

It is for buying a new independent home, a flat or a bungalow which are ready to move in. It is a secured loan which obtained to purchase a property by offering it as collateral.                                                                           

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Plot Loan

Plot Loan is for to buy a piece of land to construct your dream home in future. Plot loan has a shorter tenure and a condition that brower must construct a home on the plot within a stipulated time normally within 2-3 years.

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Construction Loan

If you own a plot want to construct your dream home you can avail Construction Loan. This loan is being provided by bank/NBFCs in 3-4 installments of sanction amount based on your construction stage, typically over a year.

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Benefits of Different Home Loans


You can claim income tax deductions on the interest and principal amount paid on the Home Loan. Under the Income Tax Act, 1961, you can claim up to INR 1.5 lakh on principal repayments, and up to INR 2 lakh on interest repayments.

Interest Rate

As compared to other available loans, Interest Rate is low and in case of shortage of money, you can also Top-Up Loan in addition to the existing Home Loan.

No Prepayment Charges

You can utilize your excess money for making part payments for your Home Loan because there are no prepayment charges by most of the banks/NBFCs.

Balance Transfer

You can transfer your Loan to different lender if they are giving you lower rate of interest on your existing Home Loan.

Repayment Tenure

It has the highest repayment tenure. You can lower your burden of monthly installments by extending the tenure.

Make it easy to buy Dream Home

Home buying is not easy for every person, Home Loan make it easy with monthly installments and rise in property price over time also benefits you. Day by day increasing rent is also pressure on your monthly budget. So it is better to pay the EMIs and own a house.


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